
Monday, 24 November 2008

How to make a small business safe from the crisis?

If you think that economic crisis only messing stock market, that's wrong perception bro/sis, in fact economic crisis influence all economic elements and messing many kind of small business, especially in developing country like mine, Indonesia. Economic crisis successfully kicking out many small businesses, and how to make a small business safe from the crisis? I have ordinary tips to do that;
  1. Be independent is the key, it means all small businesses must have enough independent investment such as good finance managing, and good building. Do not rely on bank loans, if necessary please make sure that that loans used effectively.
  2. Be confidence to show off your products, do not give up easily bro/sis.
  3. Be creative is also accompany you to success at the future, make new product that different with before, and offering it with promotional price.
  4. Be patient is easy to say but hard to do hehehe.. me too.
  5. Still pray to god who give you all you need to life on the world, never stay away from god bro/sis.
OK enough for this day, please come anytime to blog network
NB:This is NOT a paid review


prasastialam on 24 November 2008 at 22:57 said... vote for kabarmadura - maju karya anak bangsa

great amazing


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