
Sunday, 14 December 2008

Why culinary business become most profitable business?

Yes maybe many peoples know it well, in my country Indonesia, culinary business is most profitable business ever, if compared with another kind of business, may culinary business makes profit 3 times or more, yes it's true if culinary business is always built to be a compensation if previous business is not profitable at all, I don't know about culinary business in other countries, may you tell me about culinary business in your country? Please share with us.

So what's the reason(s) that culinary business become a success now and maybe forever? Check this out;
  1. All human being need to eat everyday with many various kind of nutrients.
  2. Culinary is more than "something to eat" but an ancient art, from ancient Egypt till 2008 food for lunch, dinner etc must be delicious, clean, and contain interesting garnish.
  3. Culinary art is able to be easily modified, example; many various recipes made from single kind of food.

OK maybe you have other perception about this, please don't forget to share with us. Back to home.



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