
Thursday, 19 February 2009

HPK Adsense isn't a king anymore

Hey are you Adsense publisher? Yeah I'm.. about a year ago, my friend told me about Google Adsense, and I try it because I heard some publisher from my country got so many dollars from that monetizing program, after 1 year I learn about Adsense, I know something that makes some popular publisher got rich, that's High Paying Keyword for Adsense, but right now, Google have new regulation for Adsense, that's called smart pricing, hmm not so bad ads pricing I though, but in fact HPK Adsense isn't a pretty girl whom many men looking for her anymore. Because smart pricing also cuts some HPK prices. Even in every niche, there are some HPK inside it, but I almost give up right now, high Adsense revenue needs high investment too,like to buy hosting service, bandwidth, and domain. I don't have it yet.



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